Category Archives: Christian Viewpoint

Climate Change and King Canute

The demigods have left their gated communities on Mt. Olympus to gather once again at Davos like those ancient pagans who visited the Oracle of Delphi. These Elites, like the ancient prophetess, will fall into a trance and make guttural sounds they call wisdom. Their incantations and hallucinations have awakened the spirits of wokeism, and like the Prophets of Baal (these celebrities) will dance about on Mt. Carmel, attempting to change the weather, if not the world. They will produce no miracle, (unless you count the logistics of landing a fleet of Lear Jets in the Alps). Their ideas are as unnecessary and as complex as a Swiss Army Knife, which has as more blades than Edward Scissorhands, (and don’t forget the corkscrew).

The eruption of one Super Volcano could release enough gas and ash to trigger a nuclear winter and destroy the world. One more asteroid (which evolutionists claim killed all the dinosaurs) could wipe out all the efforts of the industrial revolution. One Tidal wave, virus, or Solar storm could bring civilization to a standstill if not to a Stone Age. Men can no more change the climate than a leopard can change its spots, an Ethiopian his skin, or a sinner his sin (apart from having a new heart by being born again). Jesus said, “the wind blows where it listeth (Jn.  3:8). We can’t control the climate any more than King Canute could shovel out the tide.

The WHO, IMF, EU, UN, the WEF, and USA may pass laws to put Paul in Prison, or John on Patmos. They may spend their life trying to shovel out the tide and change the weather, but they cannot change the truth. Jesus is the Truth and he said, “Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Mt. 24:35). It’s the heart of man that must be changed, not the climate or the weather.  The heart, that is really the only thing we are responsible for or have control over. Forget considering Solar Panels for your roof, consider your soul. “What is a man profited if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul, and what will a man give in exchange for his soul.” God already did all that can be done to save the world. He gave us Jesus. -id 

California Dreamin’

$20 an hour for flipping hamburgers. This may trigger another gold rush to California, (but I doubt it). The gold mines of the California Dreamin’ days have run out of good ideas long ago. Even the Mamas and the Papas will tell you dreamin’ is not enough to make something of your life. Likewise, the UAW Union is also dreamin’ if they think they deserve a 49% pay raise and a four-day work week. AI (artificial Intelligence) will have us all riding bicycles before you know it.

Former President Obama explained how the Democrats think when he described “spreading the wealth around” to Joe the Plumber. He (who never worked a day in his life) thought the purpose of companies and corporations was to ‘create jobs’ for people. No! Companies are created to produce products not jobs, to make things, or make things better. Jobs allow people to earn self-respect and to obtain their own ‘seed money’ to invest in, plant and grow their own ideas.  The Woke people are still dreamin’. They are traumatized by the truth: “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom.3:23).  They are mesmerized by the devil’s  lies “you shall be as gods” (Gen. 3:5).  They are minimized by their own false values “what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul, and what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mk.8:36). Wake up! (Eph. 5:14) -id

Dress Codes and Decorum

Perhaps you remember when we had standards (back in the day), standards of dress and decorum, and self-discipline. We had mothers who checked to see if we washed behind our ears and mothers who on occasion said, “you are not going to school looking like that.” “A child left to himself brings his mother to shame” (Proverbs 29:15). When Public Schools tossed the Bible, we tossed the rules as well as common sense. How’s that working out? Manufacturing requires “standards.” Without quality control your car would fall apart, and the company that poorly made it would soon be out of business. A recent headline read: “Not one student was proficient in math in 23 Baltimore schools.” In our godless America, everything is being “dumbed down.” So-called Social Justice activists, narcissists, and nincompoops have taken over the government and administration insisting “minority rules.” Social Justice warriors do not seem to have any social skills. It seems reason is not in season. Uniforms and dress codes are labels that describe intent as well as content, law and order. Without law there is no order. Cashless bond is not a magic wand, it’s a sledgehammer in a horror movie. Public Schools have failed, and that boat has sailed. An entire generation has failed in morals as well as math. America is confusing equity with equality, diversity with perversity, and inclusion with delusion.  Yes, Climate crusaders are passionate. It’s the new religion. Today, we have no shortage of Passion, but unfortunately it seems that, for now, Stupidity is in fashion.   -id



United Auto Workers want a 40% raise. Who doesn’t? The UAW strike now joins the “writers” strike (obviously this writer is not on strike).  These strikes are part of America’s never-ending Second Civil War: Capital vs. Labor. It began when Capital expected Labor to work Sixteen hours a day in the Pullman Palace Car Company (in 1894). The Government sent in troops to break that strike and break a few heads as well. George Pullman, born in 1831, skipped the first Civil War by paying a surrogate to fight in his place. Ah, the good old days. (Not!) Pullman Porters (former slaves) were happy to find work. Making up the berths in sleeping cars and shining shoes, with a smile was better than being a slave, but they worked 400 hours a month.  They unionized as the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and increased their pay by a few cents and reduced their work to 240 hours, which made more sense.

The Lord Jesus spoke about Capital and Labor in the New Testament when He said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man (CEO, Senator, and Rich Young Lawyers?) to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Some say it is “love” that makes the world go ‘round, others insist it’s ‘money.’ The Bible says, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” Some think Unions are the answer. Some want to break the Union.  No doubt about it, in this world money is power and so is union.

Unions, whether classical, or ecclesiastical, political, or societal, are tribal, limited and libel to end in war. Democracy is a godless tug-a-war that never ends. We hardly notice it until it’s 49 to 51 and then only do we see how ugly is the heart of man.  So I offer my two cents. Bring your needy, greedy, sinful and conflicted self to the cross of Christ. Forget about negotiating or collective bargaining. Forget about wheeling, dealing and dickering. Form an unbreakable union with God by confessing your sins and trusting in the Savior of Souls, and the Father of Lights. Let Christ be your advocate, your answer, and only hope.  By faith form a Union of two, follow Jesus, and watch what God can do. -id

Happy Father’s Day

Jesus was not only Master of the universe, he was Master of the metaphor, and could make a single word come alive like a miracle, turn water into wine, show the common and divine, cause a sun or star to shine right before our eyes. He took a simple word or phrase to explain or teach God’s ways. He took what children understand to clearly display what God had planned. He aimed for the heart however, not trying to be cleaver, for the heart is where our faith must start (it is the most important part). If men repent, believe his Son, be born again, trust what Christ has done, they would live for God and live with God forever.

Everyone knows what a door is. Jesus said “I am the door.” Everyone has fed on bread. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life,” and for the thirsty soul, he’s water.  Everyone knows what a father is, or at least they think they know. Depending on what they found on earth, tend to think too high or low.

 But Jesus Christ, the Son of God came to earth to show the way back home.  “He that hath seen me,” he said, “has seen the Father.  A father gives us life on earth and he gives us his name, and our own from birth.  A father is the first head of state an honored elder sitting at the gate.  In the home his word is law, his will is done until a child becomes a man, starts a family of his own.

He provided daily bread and bowed his head to give thanks to the Lord of Harvest. He forgave you seventy times seven times, demonstrating power measured out with mercy. He led by example and delivered you from evil, set a door on your house, to hold back chaos and evil doers. And for the orphan, and fatherless child, or those who feel cheated by a fatherless home, or a father who could not bother because of malice, misfortune or malfeasance, look again at how Jesus turned a phrase, lift your eyes and into heaven gaze. 

What is God like? He is like the father you knew or the one you wished you had. Jesus taught his disciples to pray “Our Father who Art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name…” Jesus also said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Jesus is the way to the Father’s house, follow him to Eternity.  -id

Against the Law

It used to be said, “You can’t fight City Hall.” Even David would not defeat this modern day Goliath. Today, Goliath has an army of Lawyers, Accountants, and Public Relations operatives imbedded in every committee and courthouse in America. With unlimited resources, and a license to kill, Big Government is as deadly as ever.  What started with the “Stamp Act” in the days of Colonial corruption, to the Quartering Act of 1765 (which turned your house into a Bed and Breakfast for the Red Coats), the Government has always had a very heavy hand. Hidden in the secretive swamp of what the government calls “Sources and Methods,” are venomous and ferocious creatures.

  Because men will not obey God’s laws, we have to create a border patrol, send criminals to places like Australia or Riker’s Island, and (addicted to power) lawmakers are making laws (in their own meth labs) day and night. Lady Justice is supposed to be blindfolded. Only a blind person believes that.  Everyone knows the local sheriff never arrests his friends. 

We are witnessing the collapse of Western Civilization if not the Tower of Babel. Donald Trump has unwittingly exposed the depth of corruption in our own government and the exceeding sinfulness of mankind without the God of the Bible. A veritable Tsunami or Sue-nami [sic] of litigation, designed to overwhelm and destroy all obstacles or opposition to a “New World Order” is racing across the planet.

God, who “puts down one, and sets up another,” could have easily changed the outcome of the last election as he could have allowed Ishmael to expire that day in the desert, giving Israel all the oil in the Middle East,  but he chose not to. We reap what we sow, and can expect a sow-nami [sic] in the harvest of the seeds we have planted. The strumpets always follow the trumpets of war, and those who play with matches or porn stars are likely to be burned.

Only a “Sackcloth and Ashes Revival” can save America from the coming “Fire and Brimstone.” Like Joseph in Egypt, there are some good people in government. Having said that, let me say I have already been indicted, convicted, and condemned in a Higher Court than the Court of Public Opinion; but at the Court of Appeals (in a place called Calvary) where I appealed, I found forgiveness, pardon, peace with God, as well as the fruit of the Spirit, “against which there is no law.” Gal. 5.23.   -id


It turns out that Angela Davis (Black Panther, Communist Party Member, Civil Rights Activist, and revolutionary) is related to William Brewster, a Pilgrim who was on the Mayflower. How ironic and what a teachable moment of discovery. Surprise, surprise, we are all related. If we all traced our ancestry back far enough, we would find that we are all related to Adam, and we are all sinners for sure. We don’t have a skin problem, we have a sin problem. I believe the Biblical account of God creating man and a moral universe. The second lesson is that if we had to pay for all the crimes and sins of our forebears and relations, we would all be paying reparations forever (and that would be hell). Christ died for our sins and is still the hope of the world. Thirdly, William Brewster was a radical if there ever was one, but he was radical in faith, hope, and love. He left the tyranny of tyrants and worldly traditions in order to have religious freedom. It was from this seed that America arose, a marvel to the world, and is still a magnet for millions who would risk everything to come to this City on a Hill, not to tear or burn it down, but to enjoy the fruits of faith and freedom. -id


“Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous: but who is able to stand before envy?” Prov. 27:4

We have but read the awful headlines in today’s news to see the proof of this text. Unbridled wrath and the anger of a fool is outrageous. It is witnessed in the Bible as well as the bloodied bodies of college students in Idaho, and the bludgeoned body of a black man beaten by five black police officers in Memphis. Cities ablaze. Uncontrolled fires sparked by offense, after offense, like bolts of lightning have set the world on fire.

But anger, as vicious and brutal as it is, pales in comparison to the sheathing insanity of envy. In Prov. 14:30 envy is exposed as a “rottenness.” Cain was envious of God’s smile on Abel, Miriam and Aaron were jealous of the light that fell on Moses, the coat of many colors drove Joseph’s brothers to madness and brought Isaac to sadness. The lyrics of the maidens song, “but David, his ten thousands,” made King Saul’s blood boil, and his vision jaundice. “Who can stand before envy?” Pontius Pilate, the politician and quintessential expert in human nature declared that it was “for envy” that the Jewish leaders sent Christ to the cross (Mt. 27:18).

Wokeism, like a Medieval Black Plague, is fueled by rage, wrath, anger, and worst of all envy (for which, on earth, there is no known cure). Any attempt to use reason only adds oil to that fire. Envy is like the Star named Wormwood that fell from Heaven which poisons the waters on earth in the Book of Revelation. There is only one antidote, one serum for this snakebite, the blood of Jesus. Without its curative properties and healing powers to transform a sinner by Grace through faith, the world can only expect to see more bloodshed and that as “high as a horse’s bridle” (Rev. 14:20).    -id


In 1957 Martin Luther King, Jr. preached on “Loving Your Enemies” at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. As he came to the end of his sermon, he said there is a little tree planted on a little hill and on that tree hangs the most influential person who ever came into this world. In the cross of Christ, the love of God has broken through into human history. Now we know what love looks like in a world filled with hatred, distrust, bitterness, pain, mistreatment and abuse. As the hymn writer said, “See, from his head, his hands, his feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down.” It is a message from God that love is the only way. It’s the only way to heaven, and it’s the only way to live on the earth. If we believe in Jesus at all, we must say to our enemies, “I love you. I would rather die than hate you.” When Jesus walks with us, we will find the strength to love our enemies, to bless those who curse us, and to pray for those who despitefully use us.

Jesus Christ is still the [only] hope of the world. -id

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (Jn.3:16)

Racism and Repair-ations


A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city according to the Bible (Prov. 18:19).  Racism is offensive. Few Caucasians are ever aware of their color. Unless you have felt the cold blade of distain pierce your own heart, or personally experienced the towering aloofness of prejudice peering down its nose at you, you can’t possibly appreciate the damage discrimination has caused. A white person seldom felt anything when walking past the bronze idol and image of Robert E. Lee on his pedestal in Richmond. It was recently removed.  It was a constant reminder to the black person of what some still believe was “their place.”  The flag of the Northern Army of Virginia still flies, and that, in the face of all attempts to eradicate the spirit in which it is unfurled. No man-made law can make a man love his neighbor. Only the realization that all our righteousness is as filthy rags before God, and that all have sinned and come short of His glory can repair the ruin sin has caused. The greatest and first sin listed by God in Proverbs is Pride (ch.6). The call for reparations will not repair the rift between the races. It will only make it wider. Reparations, stealing money from Peter to pay Paul will only make things worse. Only Jesus can bring peace on earth and good will toward men. There is still no room for Him in the inn, but there is hope this Christmas for every sinner who opens their heart to Him. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come into him and sup with him, and he with me” (Rev.3:20). Let him in as Lord and Savior and let the Repair-ations begin.   -id